Automotive Paint Service Association
Association for Mass Communications
Industrial Laundry Association
Elevator Manufacturers Association
Association of Vocational High Schools in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Technologies
Association of Occupational Medicine
Bulgarian Association for Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Energy Storage
Branch Chamber of Communication and Information Technologies
Chamber of Commerce "Textiles"
Branch union for business initiative in transport
Bulgarian Sun Protection Energy Saving Systems Association
Bulgarian Chamber of Manufacturers and Traders of Essential Oils
Bulgarian National Branch Chamber "Guards and Detectives"
Bulgarian Postal Union
Confederation of Bulgarian Industry
National Union of Water Users
National Association of Fisheries and Aquaculture in Bulgaria
National Mountain Milk Association
Association "Bulgarian Employment Confederation"
Association "Chamber of creators of green transport in Bulgaria"
Association "Culture and Tourism of Bulgaria - Northeast"
Association "Medical Cluster"
Association "Center for Professional Training, Knowledge and Progress"
Association "Hydroenergy - association of strategic investors in the production of energy from hydroelectric plants in Bulgaria"
Association of Private Theater Producers
Association of manufacturers and traders of veterinary medical products
Association "Managers in the Field of Culture"
Association for the Protection of Bulgarian Manufacturers and Traders
Association for Regional Development and International Business Initiatives
Association "Support for Bulgarian Business"
Retail Association
North American Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce
Union of Bulgarian foundations and associations
Union of official car dealers
Union of private builders in Bulgaria